Mobile operator becoming the best sales assistant for your operators

Mobile operator is maturing and continue to focus on providing a new level of customer experience on site. Many new possibilities are coming to life thanks this upgrade :

  • Group visits calendar
  • Improved search and results
  • Print or reprint tickets
  • Refund of money policy supported (removing a limitation of AV3)
  • Payments are now processed under the logged in operator (removing a limitation of AV3)


  • NEW V1.11 A new calendar view of all the groups having booked or purchased a tour added on the mobile operator. Extending the use of the mobile operator to be able for guides to "digitally" welcome the groups coming and providing a great user experience for operators working on the tablet.
  • NEW V1.11 On the mobile operator, the ticket list screen's layout has been fully reviewed for improved usability and includes a new view by product.
  • NEW V1.11 On the mobile operator, it is now possible to control the inactivity timer appears when the order is getting closed to the expiry time via 3 theme values (config.activityTimer.fastMaxSeconds, config.activityTimer.endOrderMaxSeconds, config.activityTimer.alertThreshold - How to change those labels?)
  • NEW V1.11 On the classic box-office, you can modify the amount of an external price component when making a sale
  • No labels