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Go directly to the Sales Reports list.

List of the main KPIs :



CapacityTotal initial amount of tickets available on sales (invalid & blocked seats are not taken in count).
TicketsTotal amount of tickets sold (refund excluded).
Turnover by ticketAverage turnover by ticket. The turnover divided by the number of sold tickets.
Discount by ticketAverage discount by ticket. It represents the difference between the base unit amount per ticket and the actual paid amount.
AttendanceTotal amount of sold tickets divided by the capacity.
Difference since yesterday

This percentage represents the part of tickets sold for the day. (eg. if you sold 200 tickets today, and there are 20.000 seats in total, it will say 1%.)

Max. revenuePotential revenue if all tickets were sold at standard price.
Standard priceThe price of the tariff set on the 1st rank of the Occasional contact audience category in SecuTix.
Financial utilizationTurnover of tickets sold divided by the max. revenue.
Turnover by seatTurnover of tickets sold divied by the capaciy.
UtilizationNumber of sold tickets + reservations divided by the capacity.
YTDYear to date - display months only until current month.
Full yearNo restriction, will display the full year.
ReducedNumber of tickets that have not been sold at the full price.
Complimentary tickets

All tickets that have been given out for free.

Average presales in days before preformanceAverage number of days between the booking date and performance date.
Purchase horizonA dimension indicating when a ticket was purchased in terms of days before the performance. Possible values are: Day of Performance or Later, Last Week, Last Month, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months, Earlier.
Last attendanceDate of the last attendance at a performance for a given contact.
Next anticipated attendanceIf A is the median of all intervals between consecutive attendaces of a customer (in days), next anticipated visit is Last Attendance + A.
Interval since last attendanceNumber of days between today and the contact's last attendance to a performance.
Attendance frequencyThe median of all intervals (in days) between consecutive attendances of a customer. This is an estimation of the average number of days between the contact's visits.
Overdue (estimation)

(Interval since last attendance) - (Attendance frequency)*1.5

1.5 is a tolerance factor applied. If the the value is positive, it means the customer has not come for longer than usual (he/she is overdue). If the value is negative, the contact came earlier than expected.

Distance to institutionIt represents the distinace in KM between where the contact lives (based on the ZIP code) and your organization.
Average price per ticketIt reprensents the average price paid by the customers per tickets. It is calculated based on the total amount of tickets sold divided by the amount of money paid.
Purchase: days before the performance

This shows you how many days in average does a customer purchase the tickets before the performance.

Customers by productionA count of how many customers have purchased tickets for a givent event.
Attendance by customerA count of how many performances a contact has attented.

List of the reports:

Standard Dashboards & Reports



This dashboard gives you a perfect overview of the performances to come. You can select in the upper part the time frame you want to consider and follow your sales, turnover, available seats and other useful KPIs. This dashboard is ideal for a daily follow-up of the sales of your coming performances.

Sales Overview

This report focuses on the latest sales on a time frame selected by the user and enables you to compare with the equivalent past period (today/yesterday, this week/last week, etc).

You can know in glimpse if your sales are better this month than the month before!

The following KPIs are avaiable:

  • Number of performances on the selected period
  • Comparison with the past period
  • Sales on the selected period
  • Comaprison with the past period

Performance Report

This report provides an overview of the ticket sales from the past performances during a time frame selected by the user. The chart on the left-hand side shows the number of sold tickets (in blue) compared to the total amount of available seats (in red). The table on the right-hand side will show the actual turnover (in blue) compared to the maximum turnover (see definition in KPI definition). It will enables you to follow-up on your sales per performances and know how they are perfoming.

Production Overview

This report is very similar to the Performance Report, the only difference is that data are grouped by events and not performances.

Production Details - Overview

The Overview is a dashboard showing key values of all events from a defined period (use data selection screen for exemple to select the time frame). You can see the total performances, the coming /past ones, the capacity, number of sold tickets, etc. It will give you a great overview of where you are and where you are heading.

The table on the bottom can be grouped by year and months, months and days of the week thus allowing a structured view on the productions.

Production Details - Comparison in weekdays and months

This report will give you some insights on your activity in terms of weekdays and months. Thus, you can quickly see which days of the week have the most performances in average, the highest turnover or amount of sold tickets. You can have the same information in terms of months. See which months/days of the week are the busiest ones!

Production Details - Comparison 2

This report is worthy to be understood as it enables you to compare events (with single or multiple performance(s) in terms of ticket available vs. sold per performance and cumulated. It is very usefull to help you determine the balanced number of performances you should plan for a given event for example.

Composed of four scatter plots with the following content:

  • top-left: tickets by performance vs. capacity by performance
  • top-right: cumulative tickets vs. cumulative capacity
  • bottom-left: actual turnover vs. maximum revenue by performance
  • bottom-right: actual cumulative turnover vs. cumulative maximum turnover

Sales Report

This report focuses on amount of sales on a daily basis. It will show how many tickets have been sold and if it was for occasionnal contacts, season ticket holders or members. You will also see the turnover split among these audiences.

The table at the bottom gives you more details on the sales, booking, cancellations and the split by events.

Sales Analysis

This report focuses on the period the tickets were purchased for a given performance. Select "Since Start of the year" and check when did people purchased their tickets. Was it during this periond (in blue) or before (in yellow) and what is the proportion of remaining available seat on sales?

The table at the bottom gives you some details on the seat categories, booking, etc.

Annual Overview

In this report, the user is able to select from two dimensions that can be crossed:

Dimension 1: Performances, Tickets sold, Turnover, Utilization, Financial utilization and Turnover by Seat.

Dimension 2: Performance date or Purchase date.

The range slider enables you to change the thresholds to determine the background colors (green, yellow, red) of the table.

Here below, we are focusing on the turnover from the point of view of the performances date. We see the turnover by day of the months on annual basis. We can see at which time of the month the tunrover is the highest and compare it with other months to determine whether there is a recurrent patern or not.

Comparison with previous year

This report is simply a must to follow-up on your sales! You are able to compare sales volumes (tickets sold & turnover) and compare with the same past period. For exemple, below we are comparing two seasons and check the sales months by months and on a cumulative basis as well. One can see that sales were better in Februrary 2017 than 2018 but were better this January.

The table at the bottom will enable you to go deeper in your analysis and sort data by months, productions, sub-themes or venues.

Utilization overview

This report keeps the same logic as the one before but focuses on the utilization (amount of sold tickets + reservations) in order to show how full your venue has been in the past months and compare with last year/season.

Sales Reports


Seat Categories - Matrix View

This report displays tickets or revenue data organized by events and performances. For each event or performance you can see the various information by seat categories. This enables you to get a better understanding of how your seat categories perform per event/performance.

Seat Categories - Sales Status

For each performance and seat categories, get to know the breakdown of the sales! See how many tickets have been sold full price, reduced, complimentary , etc. This enables a better understanding of the breakdown of each seat categories.

Seat Maps - Individual Performance

Select a specific performance and vizualize your seat map by seat categories or sectors.

Seat Maps - Sales History

Select a specific performance and use the scroll bar on the top to vizualize how your seats were sold in the time with a breakdown by kind of tickets (full price, reduced, season tickets, etc). This helps you to understand which kind of audiences book their tickets first. You can thus sharpen your marketing strategy accordingly.

Seat map Analysis

This report enables a gaphical analysis of your seat map for a chosen time frame. Then select if you want to see the seat map in terms of utlization, revenue, discounts or hot seats (seats that are sold very fast).

Lifecycle - Utilization

This report is one of the most useful one for a season analysis. You decide if you want to analyze your data in terms of tickets sold or revenue and then, select the time unit for comparison. Drill down from a season view to a months view with a click and how your activity is doing compared to last year/month/season/etc.

See below a comparison by months over two seasons in terms of utulization.

Lifecycle - Performance Period

This report will help you to get a better understanding of events with multiple performances. The focus is set on the performance date and among others it helps you to compare how each performance of a same event is performing in terms of revenue or attendance.

Lifecycle - Booking period by Production

This report is also made for multiple performances events but it focuses on the date of purchase. It helps you to understand when did people purchase their tickets: was it last minute or long time before the Première?

Lifecycle - Booking Period

This report gives you insights in terms of sold tickets and turnover on a set of selected data (events, seasons, months, etc). The graphic below show you the booking timeline for the Season 17/18 by months.

Sales Trend History - Analysis

For this report, it is interesting to have one performance (or production) selected. Then you see tickets/revenue grouped by seat category (or one of the other dimensions) in days before performance in the left diagram. The diagram “relative” gives you the numbers in % relative to capacity (if you chose tickets) or ideal revenue (if you chose revenue)

Sales Trend History - Performance Comparison

This report works the same as Sale Trend History - Analysis , but has different options for the 2nd dimension which groups the sales. These dimensions are especially interesting for bigger selections (like for a full season, or full month, or a space).

Structural Analysis

This report is a must! It enables the user to get a better understanding of the sales through a fine-grained analysis of different dimensions. The bar chart and the table automatically update the data depending on the user's selection. It is for exemple possible to see how the different seat categories are sold regarding the sales channels or the day of the week.

Sales Flexi Pivot Table

Using the drag & drop function, you can build your own tables. To do so, please duplicate the report sheet and edit the copy.You can then select dimensions and drag & drop them to get your data. Like a flexi pivot table in Excel, you can use formula to apply to your data. 

Season Ticket Analysis

This report gives you specific insights on your season tickets sales: number of sales, turnover it represents, amount of tickets it represents, etc. You can compare seasons tickets from different seasons and see how they perform in terms of sales, ticket sold within a season ticket and tunrover.

Season Ticket Details

It is always interesting to know which events and performances season tickets holder prefer. In this report, you can see the top events and performances selected by the season ticket holders. This report is of great help to design your next season offers.

Season Ticket Sales

This report focuses on the sales timeline of your season tickets products! See by date, month or year when your selection of season tickets was sold! Get a better understanding of the sales timing and sharpen your marketing strategy accordingly!

Membership Sales

This report is all about Memberships! Get a better understing of this loyalty product and know which of your memberships are the most successfull, the turnover they represent and when are the sales peaks.

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