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Unnumbered areas

Select another rate table

Modify price


Starting time


Change logical conf

Planned quotas

Change planned quotas

Export to Excel

Modify elements at match level.

More details below at section Edit Multi-performances

Access the unnumbered area management screen to manage contingents and categories.
There must be at least one unnumbered area in the logical configuration to access this menu.

Change the rate table associated to the selected match to apply another one.

See : Organisation | Catalog | Rates tables

Change the price set in your rate table at match level. This will automatically create a "child" rate table in which you will apply your modifications.

See : Organisation | Catalog | Rates tables

Modify the fees that apply for this match, at match level. (you may need to open the window in full screen)

See : Organisation | Catalog | Charges tables

Change the date, time and status (Final date) of a match.

Access the seatmap related to that particular match.
More details below at section Plan

Allows you to change the logical configuration associated to a match or a set of match.
More details below at section Change logical conf

This functionality is relevant to the case of sales conducted separately from seating, with quotas set independently of the seat map.

This button allows you to adapt the planned quotas on the match selected below, to override those defined earlier in the logical configuration.

This functionality is relevant to the case of sales conducted separately from seating, with quotas set independently of the seat map.

This button allows you to copy again the planned quotas, on the match selected below, from a different logical configuration.

Export the table with all the matches to an excel file

Actions performed there are performed at selected match level (unless explicitely mentionned otherwise).

Edit multi-performances
Edit multi-performances
1) Edit Multi-performances


Please also note that some fields can not be changed (or at least not from this screen)

Change logical conf
Change logical conf
) Plan

The seatmap screen can be used the same way as for Organisation | Venue | Logical Configurations.

This section explains the specificities of the Sales parameter plan. Please refer to this page : Seat map to get more information on the seatmap management

Main menu

Print : give you the ability to print your seatmap as a Complete map, per block, or to print just the selected view. Details and legend can be printed or removed.

External resellers : for the cases of asynchronous resellers (usually just the few that don't want to use Real Time Interface with SecuTix), this screen allows you to process export of contingent and sales reintegration directly from this screen instead of having to do it from Organisation | Tools | List of interfaces. Note that those actions will be performed for all the setup and not only the match

Executions status : related to the field above, provide you with the status of the execution of those interfaces

List blocks : from this screen you can set the filling rank for each blocks of your stadium, in order to set which block is the best. This will impact the automatic allocation of seats, as the ranking value of the block will multiply the seat ranking value (defined withImage Added), to get an absolute ranking of the seat in the stadium.

For example, a seat ranked 10 in a block ranked 5 will get an absolute value of 50, and will be selected automatically before a seat ranked 2 in a block ranked 30 (so with an absolute value of 60).

More details on automatic allocation can be found here : How does the optimal selection algorithm work and there New seat allocation configuration

Export configuration : selecting the data you need, you can generate a csv file with the data of your seatmap. This allows you to easily transfer a logical configuration setup to another, as long as it uses the same value areaCode-blockCode-rowNumber-seatNumber set at physcial configuration level.

Import configuration : you can there import the csv file you have exported. Basically a manual copy of logical configuration.

Unlock seats : this screen shows you the seats that are currently locked for any reason (added into a valid cart,...). Should you need to, you can unlock them from here.

Remove map cache : used when the changes you performed in the physical configuration do not appear yet, removing the map cache will reset the information stored from the seatmap and reload it.


Save / Propagate

