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NEW V3.9 SecuTix already provides internal price components in order to break down the catalog price, for example in order to compute the amount due to a separate event producer or to a distributor. A new type of price components, called external price components, allows you to define price components which amount comes in addition to the catalog price. External price components bring several advantages compared to simple charges:

  • Amounts may be defined in a very flexible way. As for internal price components, you can define a global computation rule and override it for a specific cell of your price grid
  • Amounts of internal and external price components are displayed on the same screen, simplifying the set-up and providing you a global ovverview
  • You can define as many external price components as you want

A given price grid may use internal price components, external price components, or both.


Sales on Box Office

The total amount of the external price components is displayed in the "Fees" column. You can see the detail of this amount by hovering the mouse on it.

Refund of external price components

External price components are refunded according to the following rules:

  • If the refund has been requested by the organization (for example, a performance has been cancelled), all external price components are refunded.
  • If the refund has been requested by the end customer, external price components defined as refundable are refunded.
  • The operator may override above rules by unchecking the check box refund charges. In that case, no external price components are refunded.

Display on documents

All external price components are displayed in the Description section of the document. as illustrated below. Simple charges will be displayed in the same way. In other words, there will be one simple charge line for each item and tariff of the order. Until now, simple charges concerning the same item but different tariffs were grouped together.

The external price components may also be displayed in the VAT details by setting the flag showVATBreakdownPerPriceComponent to true. See Price breakdown in invoices and other documents for further details.

Display on reports

Revenue information related on external price components are available in all reports belonging to the domain (sub-topic) Summary of fees. A new fee type, called External price components, has been added. The fee type Price components has been renamed to Internal price components to avoid any confusion.

The reports provide the same features as for the internal price components:

  • Selection of one or more external price components
  • Display the external price component in the generated report
  • Group by external price components (for example to display the total revenue for each external price component during a given sales period)

Sales on Ticket Shop

The total amount of external price components is displayed in the same way as simple charges: they are gathered under the label Booking fee.

External price components and simple charges

Coexistence between price components and simple charges

The new feature is fully compatible with simple charges. As a result, you can benefit from the advantages of both features by defining simultaneously external price components and a simple charge for the same product. The behaviour of the system will be quite straightforward:

  • The total fee amount (displayed for example on the Ticket Shop and Box Office) includes both simple charges and external price components
  • The fee details (for example in the documents or when hovering the mouse in the Box Office on the fee column) displays both simple charges and external price components in a similar way
  • The reports of the domain Summary of fees distinguish between simple charges and external price components as they belong to two separate fee types.

The only exception to above principle concerns the season tickets and packages. You can decide whether you want to:

  • Define simple charges at composed product level, no external price components being applied
  • Apply the external price components already defined for the products contained in your composed product. In that case, no simple charges will be applied on the composed product itself.


  • A season ticket contains two events E1 and E2. You have already defined an external price component for these events. To keep it simple, let us consider that this external price component has a fixed amount of 2€.
  • When setting up the season ticket, you may choose between:
    • Reusing simple the external price component defined for E1 and E2. This will lead to a fee of 2€ for each event, meaning a total of 4€.
    • Defining a simple charge applying to the whole season ticket. For example, you may define a simple charge of 3€. The total fee amount applied to the season ticket will be 3€ since the external prices component defined for E1 and E2 are ignored in this case.

Provided features

Further developments

Getting started

Setting up the external price component

External price components are set-up exactly in the same way as internal price components. You can define if an external price component may be refunded or not, when the refund is requested by the end customer.

Entering amounts to the price grid

In order to enter the amounts of the external price components, you should follow the steps described below

Enter the catalog prices

Create the price grid and enter the amounts as usual

Create a price breakdown

You may create one or several price breakdowns, depending if the external price components amounts should depend on the sales channel or not. This step is exactly the same as for the already existing internal price components.

Select the price components to be used by the price breakdown

You may select internal price components, external price components, or both. You can override the default computation rule.

Modify the individual amounts

After you have clicked on the "calculate price" button, the breakdown is displayed with all the amounts, based on the price component selection and computation rules above.

  • The "Total" row mentions the total price (catalog price plus external price components) and is computed by the system
  • The Catalog price has been entered previously by the operator
  • The ticket base price (called "PrdPrice" in this example) is computed by the system by subtracting the internal price components to the catalog price. Since no internal price components have been selected in the previous screen, it's identical to the catalog price.
  • No labels