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Field codeField typeMandatoryDescription
INSTITText 15Yes

Institution code owning the data to be imported.

ORGANIZATIONText 15YesOrganization code owning the data to be imported.
OPERATIONText 30 Not used yet.
CONTACT_NUMBERText 15YesThe contact number of contact that owner the membership card.
MEMBER_NUMBERText 50YesThe membership number of contact. This must contains only numbers.
SEASON_CODEText 50YesSeason code of the organization owning the data to be imported.
MEMBERSHIP_CODEText 50YesThe product code of the MEMBERSHIP that need to be imported.

The ACTIVE tarif code of the season that match 1 of 2 condition below:

  1. Main category = 'OCCASIONAL' and secondary category = 'INDIVIDUAL'
  2. Main category = 'INVITED'.
SALE_DATETimestamp Not used yet.
MEMBERSHIP_BEGINTimestampYesThe start date time Beginning of the membership.
MEMBERSHIP_ENDTimestampYesThe end date time End of the membership.
AMOUNTAmountYesThe gross amount of order of the inserted membership.
CHARGESText 30NoNot used yet.
VATText 30Yes

Vat rate in percent. Choose the rate that active and valid following this:

Valid from date of vat rate <= MEMBERSHIP_BEGIN <= Valid to date of vat rate.

TICKET_STATEText 30YesThe state of ticket must be in ('PRINTED','NOT_PRINTED').
GENERATION_DATETimestamp Yes if PRINTEDIf the ticket state equal to 'PRINTED' the generation date must not null.
FISCAL_NUMBERText 30 Yes if PRINTEDThe fiscal number of the ticket. If not inserted, the fiscal number will be generated with prefix equal to "IMP-".

The barcode bar code of ticket. Ex: Input = 345678920 --> barcode will be "CODE128C;TEXT;345678920".

If not inserted, the barcode bar code will be generated like this: "CODE128C;TEXT;IMP-xxxxxxxx".