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Creating emails that will prompt your clients and prospects to click on them and engage with your institution is, without a shadow of a doubt, a challenge. With SAM's email editors, we aim to provide you with an easy to use tool that will help you promote that engagement. This emails will later be linked to a campaign.

In the email template menu, within the Audience Management module, you'll be able to find all the email templates that might already have been created by your institution.

As you can see above in the picture, you can delete, duplicate or archive any of the email templates. You can also edit them by:

  • Selecting one line and clicking on the Edit message button: this will display on a pop up window directly the email template.
  • Or by double clicking on the line: this will display on a pop up window both the configuration (name, title...) of the email and the template.

We'll see later how to send an email test ("Send test message" button). But first we are going to create a new email template by clicking on the "New" button.

Here you'll be able to select a few different options:

  • The type of message template and its language, which are merely informative.
  • And the email editor type:
    • The basic email editor: Recommended only for copy-pasting an HTML formatted email.
    • The designer email editor: This is the email editor we are going to explain how to use below.

Once these are selected, click on "Next", and the screen that you can see here (screenshot on the right) will be displayed.

After introducing all the required information* and saving, the Email menu on the left will be unlocked.

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