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Automatic Automated campaigns allow you to deploy a personalised marketing strategy by adding a time dimension to your communications. To communicate with contacts at just the right moment, you can now refine your marketing offers by adding a validity criterion for a certain time period. So for example, you could put in place set up a birthday campaign offering contacts the chance to take advantage of a special offer which is only valid on their actual birthday.

SAM already had an automatic contact promotion feature. This new feature also lets you automatically withdraw access to a specific offer.

  1. Create your dynamic target
  2. Create your campaign and link it to your target
  3. Set up sending by selecting "Frequency".
  4. Here you have the option to define whether contacts remain eligible for the offer indefinitely or if it is withdrawn when they are deleted from the associated dynamic target. 
  5. All you have to do to withdraw access to the advantage is untick "A contact removed from the target keeps the right to purchase the advantage"

titleUtilisation d'un même avantage dans plusieurs campagnes automatiquesImportant remarks
  • We recommend that you avoid using the same advantage in several automated campaigns as this can cause conflicts depending on what the settings you make. Whether or not a contact has access to an advantage used in several campaigns is determined by the execution of the first campaign.
  • Also note that , this works  as follows: WORD MISSING  
    • The campaign is executed
    • The target is updated relative to the last execution, which means that some contacts are withdrawn from the target and others added
    • The process suppresses deletes the contact advantage link for contacts from the previous execution
    • The process creates the contact advantage link for contacts in the target when the second execution starts.  
  • We therefore recommend using this function for maximum daily frequencies per day (this can vary based on the size of the database and target).