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8) Synchronisation

When using SecuTix Access Control, this screen allows you to synchronize directly the product you have just created with SecuTix Access Control.

The season of your product must already exist in the Access Control.

Obviously this screen is useful only if you have already sync your season with the Access Control, but created the product afterwards.

Since a service doesn't grant access to an event, a match or a visit, it should not be controlled.

But there are some cases where you may wish to control service tickets and therefore synchronise SecuTix Access Control. :

  • You issue a ticket for a specific service as a voucher which will be exchanged for another good (a guide book, a snack...) and you don't want it to be reused or you want to know how many have really be used.
  • You will use this service as a counter product. If you need several counters, create a service for each with a single item since statistics are per service, not per item.

The following requirements must be met before :

In the case of a counter product, the configuration is quite simple :

  • Choose a calendar
  • Set "Is counter" to "Yes"
  • Check "Enable" box
  • Add the sectors where you want to count

In this peculiar case, other rules validity are ignored (nb of days of validity, duration, nb of access, delay of invalidity...).

Here is an example :

Image AddedDécrire le fonctionnement des produits de comptage - alerter sur le fait de ne pas les mettre en vente, juste une fois pour générer un code barre

Product profiles
Product profiles
9) Product profiles

This is where you associate the set of rules regarding the selling of your service. Among the rules, the sales channels on which the service will be available.

See : Organisation | Catalog | Product Profile

Payment methods
Payment methods
10) Payment methods

From this menu, you can define payment methods that can be used to purchase this product.

The rule is as follow : it is the intersection of Point of Sales Payment Methods, Product Family authorised in your Payment Methods (see : Institution | Initialisation | Payment Methods) and Product Payment Methods.

Thus, if you associate no payment methods in this screen, SecuTix will check which Payment Methods are authorised for the Product Family. If none, it means that any Payment methods available on the point of sales will be usable for the product.

The payment method you associate at product level must be available at least on the point of sales. Otherwise it will not be allowed for any product. Also keep in mind that if you allow a payment method only to one Product Family or on specific Product, it will not be available to someone buy other products at the same time.

For example: if you want to allow Slimpay payment only for season tickets, you need to associate this payment method to your point of sales AND associate only the season ticket family in Slimpay payment method. But in that case, if your client add a single ticket for a friend in his cart, Slimpay will not be proposed as a payment method.

Interface mappings
Interface mappings
11) Interface mappings

You can set in this screen your mappings regarding the competition service you are creating for the different interfaces and batches you may have. Note : those mappings will only apply at competition level, not matches.

You can also set mappings directly in the related interface. See : Organisation | Tools

and batches you may have. Note : those mappings will only apply at service level, not items.

You can also set mappings directly in the related interface. See : Organisation | Tools

12) Validation

The validation step will make sure that you did not forget to set any mandatory information. In such a case, the message displayed will refer to what is missing. If nothing is missing it will proceed in the actual creation of the competition and its matches, that will become available for Running.

AnchorValidationValidation12) ValidationNext Step: setup the other competitions and/or the related Season TicketsNext Step: don't forget to manage the sales of this services and make sure some quota is always available.