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For their organisers, there is the possibility of obtaining reports on the current sales of those events in an online channel of the type "Shop for producers / partners" to which the logged-in organiser is assigned. 

The shop is not intended for the sale of products, but only for reporting purposes. 

For initial set-up see 2.9 - Set up a new sales channel


Contact type "Organiser / Partner"

First you need the organiser as contact type "Organiser" or "Partner" in Secutix. Both types are variants of the company. You therefore also need at least one contact person ("relay") in each case, who can then log into the channel. 

See also: 4 - Contacts / CRM


associated product family

PartnerTimeslot & Visit passes
ProducersEvents & Competitions

Setting up events with third parties

In order for the logged-in person, i.e. the contact person of the organiser, to get a connection to the products, the respective organiser / partner must be stored in the desired product:

Setting up the channel

In the settings, please first follow the usual steps for setting up a new channel / point of sale 2.9. - Set up a new sales channel.

The basic requirement after that is to activate the following function:

Unlocking reports

You then have the option of activating a selection of reports in web reporting:

Activation of products for web reporting

Produkte müssen explizit für das Webreporting freigeschaltet werden, damit diese online sichtbar werden. 

This occurs, as usual, with activity profile & sales calendar for events and competitions, and via product profile for all other products. 

In practice, it has proven useful to add the web reporting channel to existing admin profiles such as "Backoffice", which are linked to all products.



The web reporting channel first offers the possibility to pull reports per product from a product view. 

This occurs on the URL ".../report/listProducts#list".

This function is supplemented by the so-called dashboard, which offers a summarised overview of the products. This can be accessed via the URL


It is a good idea to set up this URL as a linked button in the sales channel at the point of sale via "main navigation

Dashboard - advanced functions

Additional functions can be switched on/off in the dashboard via labels. 

On the one hand, the sales channel and payment type tables can be hidden in the detailed view. 

In addition, the calculation of availability can be switched between all quotas & only those quotas that are allowed for the web reporting channel. 

Perhaps the most useful feature is the ability to add a drop down menu of sales over a predefined time period. 

The following values are available: TODAY|YESTERDAY|LAST-7-D|THISMONTH|LAST-1-M|LAST-3-M|THISYEAR|LAST-1-Y|LAST-3-Y

Ansicht "saleHistoryView" im Dashboard:

Admin View

In addition to the standard procedure described above for making events visible to individual external organisers, it is also possible to create an Admin View. 

This Admin View enables a comprehensive view of all activated products. It is therefore particularly suitable for employees, management and the like.

To set up the Admin View, you need a generic organiser to which the desired contacts are assigned:

Translated with (free version)

The organiser/producer must then be assigned the contact criterion "TED Administrator" with the value "Yes".