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titleMore to come in the upcoming sprints

As part of our strategy to enhance Event Management, we will be making corresponding adjustments to the Transfer Rules in the forthcoming ZUMV1 sprints

New search critierias in Campaigns screen

In our continuous effort to enhance back-office user experience and increase adoption, we are glad to introduce new search critierias within Campaigns list screen.

New 'Status' Dropdown: Expanding Search Capabilities

We have introduced a new "Status" dropdown, broadening the scope of search capabilities for our users. This feature includes several options to cater to diverse user needs:

  • All (excl. cancelled): Set as the default option, this allows users to view all active and planned campaigns, excluding those that are cancelled. It provides a streamlined and focused view of current campaign activities.
  • Scheduled: This option is designed for users who wish to view campaigns that are scheduled for future deployment.
  • Sent: Users can now filter and view campaigns that have already been dispatched, offering insights into past activities.
  • Cancelled: This addition makes it easier for users to search for and analyze any campaigns that have been cancelled.
  • All: Offering a comprehensive overview, this option enables users to view campaigns across all statuses.

Fine Tuning of the 'Language' Dropdown

In line with these improvements, we have also fine-tuned the "Language" dropdown. This update involves a change in the title to make it clearer and more intuitive for our organizers. The revised title aims to provide a better understanding and facilitate easier navigation in selecting the campaign language.

December 13, 2023

Configure the available gender options from the Registration settings
