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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In case of order receipt, duplicate is printed.

The product revenue domain provides 6 additional fields about the number of participants who have reserved or purchased a visit:


Restricted operations after order closure

The interface to the TicketBAI system (defined by the fiscal authorities) allows mainly to create new orders and to cancel them. Modification is only possible in very specific cases that are listed exhaustively. As a result, in order to be able to send the appropriate information to the fiscal authorities, all actions modifying partially an order, like partial refunds and exchanges, must be avoided. SecuTix helps you in this task by performing following checks:

  • The box office doesn't allow neither partial refunds nor exchanges
  • The batch to cancel a single performance or product will only refund orders that don't contain any other performance or product
  • The on-line self exchange features are disabled

Getting started

How does it work?

When the feature is enabled, SecuTix calls an external service provided by a partner, that in turn, calls the TicketBAI service. This partner is called KubiBAI. In fact, there exist multiple TicketBAI services, more precisely one for each Basque region. The reason of using an external service is to reduce the complexity in SecuTix, for example by hiding the differences related to each Basque region.

The signature process works in a half synchronous way. More precisely, SecuTix waits until the TBAI identifier has been generated and the order has been digitally signed, but it doesn't wait until the signed order has been stored in TicketBAI. By this way, the TBAI identifier and QR code may be printed on the documents right after order closure while still ensuring that the order closes in a reasonable time.

A separate batch process allows to ensure that the signed order has been stored by the fiscal authorities.


The naming convention is exactly the same as for the other fields belonging to the product revenue domain.

An example of a report using these new columns is displayed below:

Image Removed

  • The visit Bespoke tours uses group tickets. A total of 9 tickets have been sold representing in total 110 participants.
  • The visit Visit conférence exposition uses also group tickets. A total of 3 tickets have been reserved representing 30 participants.
  • Since the visit Visit guidée Christo et Jeanne-Claude uses individual tickets, the number of participants is equal to the number of tickets.
titleTED (The Executive Dashboard)

The dashboard displayed in TED already takes into account the number of participants and, therefore, was kept unchanged.

Attendance domain

The attendance domain was already providing the number of participants. This domain has been improved in order to display (if requested) the detail per tariff in case of group tickets with individual prices. Before this improvement, it was just displaying one line assigned to a fake tariff called "computed price".

titleGroup tickets with individual price

This improvement has only been implemented in the attendance domain. The other domains, like the product revenue domain, still display the "computed price" tariff in case of group tickets with individual price.

Getting started

Product revenue

You don't have anything to do to use these additional columns in the product revenue domain. However, your reports, no matter if they are standard reports or custom reports, haven't been adapted to use these new columns. You can modify your reports in the following way:

  • Selecting the report you want to modify in the list of reports. The report has to belong to the sub-topic product revenue.
  • Click on Modify
  • Go to the bottom of the screen and change the list of columns to display
  • Click on Save


You don't have anything to do to get the detail per real tariff. If you want to keep the old behaviour, you can create a service request. Our service team will set the institution parameter Analytics Attend New Ver to false.
