In the current lottery portal, our system supports the feature to display a stadium mini-map image for a given match. And online users will then see the corresponding location in the stadium highlighted on the mini-map when hovering over their desired seat category while selecting tickets. However this feature has a limitation that the mini-map image cannot be customized at the match level, meaning for all matches on the same lottery portal their mini-map images are the same. Hence we are doing this evolution to lift this constraint and extend the feature to allow configuration and display of different stadium mini-maps for different matches on a given lottery portal.

After this evolution, for each lottery portal the operator is able to:

  • Setup the stadium preview image per match in the lottery configuration file (one per portal).
  • Setup the default stadium preview image which serves as a fallback solution when the match-level stadium mini-map is not configured.

Also, internet users are able to:

  • See the corresponding location in the stadium highlighted on the mini-map when hovering over their desired seat category while selecting tickets.

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