Currently, the refunds created by the credit card refund batch are automatically assigned to the operator who has the most recently updated the batch parameters. A new batch parameter allows you to select the operator of your choice.


A new batch parameter (batch Refund of performance/match, function Dispatch refunded payment) allows you to select the operator to which the created refunds will be assigned:

The drop-down displays all the operators available on the current organisation. By default, the value of this parameter is empty.

  • If the selected operator has an open cash desk at the selected sales channel, the system will use this cash desk information when creating or updating refund payments
  • If no open cash desk is available, the system will proceed to open a cash desk for the given operator before creating or updating a refund payment
  • If there is no selected operator, system works as previously (using the cash desk of the operator who has most recently updated the batch parameters)

Getting started

The feature is enabled by default. You don't have anything to do.