How to import basic GTM container setup

1. Get the GA4 GTM basic setup file GA4 GTM Basic setup.json.

2. Access to Admin tab - Select Import Container

3. Select the JSON file - Click Open

4. Select your existing workspace. In case you are setting up a new GTM, you click New

5. Click Confirm button to import the container.

Inside Basic GTM Setup

1. GA4 folder contains all setup for GA4 which is supported by the SECUTIX ticket shop.

GA4 ID variable defines your Google Analytics platform ID.

In order to edit the value, click on GA4 ID to open it.

  • Change the defined value with your Google Analytics platform ID. The pattern should be G- **********
  • For example G-N2E540EKB0
  • Click the Save button to save the value.

2. Event-based trigger set.

Inside each trigger, the primary container defines:

  • Trigger type: Custom event
  • Event name: Secutix ticket shop event name

3. Google Tags.

There is a GA4 Configuration tag that defines GA4 configuration. The measurement ID in this configuration follows GA4 ID variable which has been defined above.

Inside other tags, the container defines:

  • Configuration tag: The GA4 Configuration tag is as above.
  • Event name to push to Analytics platform.
  • Enable the option to send e-commerce data from the SECUTIX ticket shop data layer.

  • No labels