Presentation of the template editor

In addition, the List of variables in the ticket template editor will allow you to understand the editor's variables.
The template editor allows you to design ticket templates from:

To modify the templates during the season, it is recommended to:

Some examples of ticket templates

A4 digital ticket

Ticket part: it displays the security information and the barcode. Details of the size below.

General terms & conditions part: it displays the legal aspects of the ticket. 1530x276 pixels.

Bottom part: free zone for advertising, information related to the date & hours, places, vouchers... 1530x1130 pixels.

Footer: printing quality test, barcode content...

Cut in three: it is also possible to deliver a single image, size 960x423, which will be cut into three parts by SecuTix.

Mobile ticket


Ticket background: 470x611 pixels, with a white area for the barcode.

Second page: the microstructure on the right of the A4 ticket is usually used, but another image (with the same dimensions) can also be provided.

Thermal ticket

The black bar is on the right bottom part when looking at the printer from the front. It is placed by the printer of the tickets (it should not be indicated on the models sent to the printer).

The black bar area (in gray, at the bottom part) must not contain anything other than the black bar.

The barcode printing area must be plain (or light in color) with a 3mm margin on each side.

Paper quality: Thermosensitive 300DPI - Fast development - 190 Microns - 175 Grams

Validation process:
• The printer's proof (in PDF to scale) must be validated by SecuTix before ordering.

How to create a ticket template 

Editor features

  1. Adding a new Text type field
  2. Adding a new Image type field
  3. Adding a new Barcode type field
  4. Variable set selected
  5. Selected field (by clicking on it on the template or selecting it on the list of fields)
  6. Properties of the selected field

Properties of a Text field

A Text field can have different properties:

The combinations that can be entered in a compound (custom) field (to combine multiple parameters and static text) are as follows: 

Number format:Date format:

0 → Figure

→ Figures

, → separator for thousands 

. → separator for decimals

→ Year

M → Month

d → day in the month

→ day in the week

→ hour

→ minute

s → second

In some cases tables are transmitted in the following format:


In the case of promotions with single-use code as well as during the distribution of tickets, it is possible to display on the ticket the name of the inviting structure, as well as the contact criteria of this structure.

Example of the display on the ticket:

You are invited by SecuTix which is located in Halle14 au stand A52.

Style of a field

To obtain a good alignment of the various fields displayed on the model, it is advisable to fix their position in the Style tab.

This tab also allows you to specify the size of the field and the font used.

A check box called "Border" adds a frame around a field.

The Alignment drop-down menu lets you indicate the position of the text in the field (left, right, center). The Auto alignment option (thermal tickets only) resizes the text to the width of the field

2D barcode

To add a 2D barcode on a template, create a barcode type field, use a custom value and enter:


Choose the type of barcode in the field next to the value. This compound value is needed to truncate the parameter that contains the information about the encoding.

Visibility of a field

A field can only be made visible if it meets certain conditions.

One of those conditions is the association of a parameter, a sign and a value.

The entered value must exactly match the actual value of the parameter in the system.

For the "like" sign, the value must be surrounded by *. For example, with the condition $Tarif_nomPublic like *invit*, the field will only be displayed if the tariff of the ticket contains invit (e.g. invited, invitation, etc.). The character ? can be used as a wildcard (e.g. "AB??" will work for "AB01" or "AB23" but not "AB2" or "AB123").

Creation of a variable set 

Variable sets are used to test ticket templates by replacing the name of the parameters with text.
Tip: Create enough variable sets to test each condition
In the editor, you must select the variable set created and print a specimen ticket

Creation of a ticket model

Once the template has been created and tested, it is associated with a ticket model in the Tools module of the Organization context.

The previously created template is linked with a ticket type, a hardware family and a ticket support in the ticket model.

Once validated, you can link these models with the products. For example, in the catalog module of the organization context, the ticket model can be associated with an event.