Pre-requisite : create your new season, create your new competition, create your new season tickets. Those elements need to be validated.

Once you have created your new season and products, you need to run the Season Ticket Renewal batch to create reservation or sale of previous season ticket into the new season.

You will fin it in Organization > Tools > List of batches. If you don't see it, just click on new and select it from the dropdown.

1) Mappings

Then in Mappings, you need to set the values you are dealing with, based on the Target Season (your new season), and the Source Season (the previous one).

After settings those parameters, you will be able to Search and see if any values exist.

The following screenshot should be read as :

Obviously, you can set different value and map for instance a Full Price to a Renewal Full Price that would have a different value than the regular Full Price offered to new season ticket holders.

NB :

2) Schedule

Then you can go to Schedules and setup the rules to actually renew your season tickets

Using the season ticket renewal function, you will be able to set the running of your batch.

The initial steps are common for all batches.

Then you can define :

For cases of Automatic renewal of Season tickets (based on parameters set in the Season Tickets products in your Origin season)

Then for all scenarios :

3) Activate online parameter to open renewal

Now that reservations are created, you can activate internet parameters on your sales channel so that your fans can resume the order and renew their Season tickets directly online.

To do so, you just need to activate the parameter Season Ticket Renewal. You can also activate if you want the Dashboard of pending actions.

  • Contingent : Before launching the batch, you may want to set all your stadium in a dedicated contingent. As SecuTix will create reservation or sales, it will use the contingent set at the moment the batch runs. It will not easily be possible to change it afterwards.
    Do not forget, if setting some contingents, to propagate those changes on all matches.
  • Change of tariffs : should your fan be able to select his tariffs at the moment of the renewal, you need to make sure that the expected tariff can be displayed on the shop at the moment of the renewal. Either by authorizing the season ticket product itself, or by creating an advantage integrating this tariff. That way fans would see a dropwodn on the tariffs before adding them onto the cart.
  • Yield management : if you want to reward early buyer, the Batch to update price for reservation orders may be useful as allowing you to change tariff (or price) of existing reservations. That way, renewal tariff at the beginning of the season ticket campaign can be much more interesting than tariff after 2 weeks for example.