This function retrieves information from TIXnGO about the ticket (status, holder) and stores it inside SecuTix. 

With FIFASTX-2770, we aligned the statuses and the screens between TIXNGO and S-360 :

Ticket statuses

History mode (legacy behaviour)

Lifecycle mode (new behaviour)

S360 Ticket Status

S360 Blockchain Status (history)

S360 Blockchain Status (lifecycle)

Not printedNANA


(after injection) INJECTED

No Action/Status as long as the user does not have a wallet 

(after injection) INJECTED

(after download) RECEIVED

Action/Status : Inject/Confirmed

(after download) DOWNLOADED

(after assignment) RECEIVED (warning) Holder/Assignee fields are set

Action/Status : Inject/Confirmed 

(after assignment) ASSIGNED

(after transfer initiated) TRANSFER_PENDING

Action/Status : Inject/Confirmed

(after transfer initiated) PENDING_TRANFER

(after transfer cancelled by sender) RECEIVED

(after transfer rejected by receiver) RECEIVED

Action/Status : Inject/Confirmed

(after transfer cancelled by sender) FAILURE_TRANSFER

(after transfer rejected by receiver) FAILURE_TRANSFER

(after transfer accepted) TRANSFERRED

Action/Status : Transfer/Confirmed

(after transfer accepted) TRANSFERRED

(after ticket offline activation) ACTIVATED

(after ticket online activation) ACTIVATED

(after ticket manual activation) ACTIVATED

(after ticket bluetooth/beacon activation) ACTIVATED

No specific Action/Status

(after ticket offline activation) OFFLINE_ACTIVATED

(after ticket online activation) ONLINE_ACTIVATED

(after ticket manual activation) MANUAL_ACTIVATED

(after ticket bluetooth/beacon activation) BT_ACTIVATED


→ ACS control

→ Ticket check (BO)

(after control BUT before feedback from TIXNGO) ACTIVATED

(after control and feedback from TIXNGO) CONTROLLED

No specific Action/Status

(after control before feedback from TIXNGO) XYZ_ACTIVATED where XYZ is the activation method used

(after control and feedback from TIXNGO) CONTROLLED


→ Reprint ticket

→ Post ticket on resale

If the ticket was already existing in TIXNGO ...

  • DELETION_PENDING (after sending the "cancelled/invalidated" status to TIXNGO and receiving feedback from TIXNGO)
  • DELETED (after successful blockchain deletion and feedback from TIXNGO)

If the ticket was never sent to TIXNGO → NA

If the ticket was already existing in TIXNGO ...

  • DELETION_PENDING (after sending the "invalidated status to TIXNGO and receiving feedback from TIXNGO)
  • DELETED (after successful blockchain deletion and feedback from TIXNGO)

If the ticket was never sent to TIXNGO → NA


→ Cancel ticket (manually or by batch)

If the ticket was already existing in TIXNGO ...

  • DELETION_PENDING (after sending the "cancelled/invalidated" status to TIXNGO and receiving feedback from TIXNGO)
  • DELETED (after successful blockchain deletion and feedback from TIXNGO)

If the ticket was never sent to TIXNGO → NA

If the ticket was already existing in TIXNGO ...

  • DELETION_PENDING (after sending the "cancelled/invalidated" status to TIXNGO and receiving feedback from TIXNGO)
  • DELETED (after successful blockchain deletion and feedback from TIXNGO)

If the ticket was never sent to TIXNGO → NA

What and how we synchronize ticket details ?

Each mode has a specific mapping. Find more details in this document : S360-TNG_Mapping_20221007.xlsx

How to configure the interface ?

In the custom parameters, to enable the lifecycle mode, you can use TIXNGO_LIFECYCLE_MODE=lifecycle.
By default, if not specified, the history mode will be used.