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Some fields that in Salesforce accepts as an input any text, in Secutix are limited to a centain set of values. Namely, these field are Title (for Contact and PersonAccount) and the different addresses Country field.
To avoid synchronization errors, some consideretaions are to be taking into account.
For Title field only valid values will be sent to SecuTix. This doesn´t mean that you cannot enter any value in this field, but it won´t be saved in SecuTix unless it is a recognized value. In case it is not, SecuTix will save a default UNDEFINED value in the field. In any case, the original text will persist in Salesforce. For example, if for a Contact in Salesforce we set the Title to His Majesty (not recognized value in SecuTix) it will be saved in Salesforce, but in SecuTix we will see 'Undefined'. This 'Undefined' value will not be sent back to Salesforce from Secutix later, in order not to override any other possible vlue there might already be, unless it changes to some different and valid value. Valid SecuTix values for this field are: 'MISS', 'MRS', 'MR', 'MR_AND_MRS', 'UNDEFINED', 'LADIES' and 'GENTLEMEN'.
For the Country field, SecuTix recognizes the ISO 3166 list of 2-char country codes. Setting these fields to any other value will cause a syncrhonization error. For the full country code list, please refer to the Alpha-2 column found in this link:


Next releases of the SecuTix App will include pre-defined picklists with the possible values that SecuTix recognizes as valid for certain fields. This way, a Salesforce user may change the default fields associated to these values from an open textbox to this given picklists in order to avoid the potential problem of entering a value not accepted by Secutix. Currently, these picklist will cover the fields Title, Country and Gender (custom field).
