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You may choose one or more of the following information to be inserted to the meta tag:

tourTour external name (replaced by product name if undefined)
productProduct external name
locationLocation (city)
datetimmePerformance date time
artistArtist 1 stage name - Artist 2 stage name


  • If prameter "location" and "datetime" have been configured on meta tags of tour/event page, system will take this information from 1st performance of tour/event
  • If the total length of the selected information exceeds 60 characters, the system will truncate them, starting from the last information. The information order is therefore important.


  • label.metatags.text: A fixed text that will be inserted before the chosen variables. This key is optional. No text will be added if it hasn't been set.
  • config.metatags.performance :[\"param1\",\"param2\",\....\,\"paramN\"] where param1, param2, paramN are one of the parameters described in table above. This key is optional. If it isn't set, the meta tag will contain product, location and date time.
  • config.metatags.tourevent: same structure as config.metatags.performance. This key is optional. If it isn't set, the meta tag will contain the product

Set-up at event level

The meta-tag of the event page defined at point of sales level may be overridden for a given event by setting the custom variable "Meta tags". The content of the custom variable is identical to the key "config.metatags.tourevent".

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