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The solution integrates a module provided by EFSTA. This module has already been successfully integrated to comply with the Austrian law. This module will in turn call an external Technical Security Element (that will actually sign the data) provided by the Austrian company A-Trust. A-Trust is one of the major digital signature companies in Austria, in which country a law requiring digital signature of orders is in force since 1st of April 2017.

Getting started

  • You will have to sign a contract with A-Trust. SecuTix may help you to get in touch with this company.
  • A-Trust will provide you the credentials to be provided to the cloud based signature service. Please provide this information to SecuTix that will update the set-up accordingly
  • Please perform following set-up in SecuTix:
    • Ensure that your European VAT number has been entered. To do this, check that the administrative number "European VAT Code" has been entered (menu "Organization characteristics > administrative numbers"). This number has to start with "DE".
    • Configure a RKSV external manager plugin:

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  • A prerequisite for the plugin is a correct EUVATID in administrative numbers of the organization (check that is starts with 'AT').
  • How to adapt the required document by adding an image with bookmark 'fiscalSignature' was shown in that Jira: 
    serverSecuTix JIRA Tracking System
  • This file is a successful test of printing out a qr code on an order summary when the plugin is configured: STX_ORDER_SUMMARY_RKSV_fr.docx (GeneratedExample.pdf)
  • Proof Receipts is done by configuring a free product with description "Nullbeleg" and issuing a sale.
  • To fully enable the fiscal regulation, customer need to provide credentials for an HSM and enable SC for each of the point of sales in efr configuration screen :
  • A pos in STX maps to a 'rn' of the efr in the following way : VATID$INSTITCODE_ORGCODE_POSCODE

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  • Pricing for a 'rn' is 7.00 euros per month for a first pack of 60'000 transactions + 37 euros per additional packs of 60'000 transactions.
  • In production 'cloud' storage is already activated so that transactions will be stored in EFSTA cloud plateform and AFAIU automatically transferred to austrian fiscal authorities.