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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the key European standard with regard to the protection of personal data. It strengthens and harmonises data protection for individuals in the European Union. It will come into force on 25 May 2018.


  • Option acquisition
  • Option confirmation
  • Reservations and sales made, either as a purchase contact or a cultural contact. Completing payment does not, therefore, modify the contact recency.
  • Being added to the waiting list
  • (as of Whymper 1.7) explicit click on a SAM link
  • (as of Whymper 1.7) modification of contact criterion
  • (as of Whymper 1.7) modification of contact authorizations IF at least one authorization is still "yes, I authorize"
  • If the contact has not carried out any of the above actions, the contact creation date is used.


  • Use your best operational endeavours to minimise the number of contacts who have neither given their express agreement nor confirmed their wish to opt out.
  • Specifically remove all contacts who have not given their explicit consent. SecuTix intends to widen the scope of automatic filtering in this contact category in a later version.

Marketing campaign "Explicit Consent Renewal"

Thanks to SAM, you can easily setup a marketing campaing targetted to contacts who will soon be anonymized.

Simply follow those steps:

  1. on your website, create a page (let's name it "consent renewal page") saying, for example, "Thank you for your continued interest! Data Privacy is of high concern to us and we'll only contact you if you accept to and with relevant information..."
  2. create a SAM tracked link to this "consent renewal page" using SAM URL builder
  3. execute the Contact Anonymisation Batch IN SIMULATION MODE, with a delay of XX months (eg, 24)
  4. create a SAM Target filtering on contact indicator "GDPR recency" and set a date (format "YYYYMMDD") XX months in the past (it corresponds to last activity of this contact)
  5. create a SAM campaing with a text similar to "Hello <firstname>, we've not seen you from a long time, if you want to continue hearing from us, simply click this <link>" with <link> being the link created at step 2
  6. then, when the contact will click on the link, SAM will track this click and as exposed above, this action will be taken care in the GDPR recency indicator and is considered as an activity