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Please note that currently widgets are coupled to physical hosts of SecuTix. It is important to set the correct url for the source files to have widgets work properly. We are happy to help you setup the correct information. Please contact us via the email For more information, please refer to the section "Include the widget library".


A widget represents an isolated feature of the online sales channels of SecuTix. These isolated features can be included in any website through a small JavaScript code snipped that can be integrated inside a web page.

A series of parameters define the behavior of every widget, and can be consulted in the reference that is linked above. Moreover, the standard mechanisms provided by SecuTix, like light customization, labels overriding, are also taken into account by every single widget. With widgets you have full control of the content of the page, the appearance of the displayed elements and the CSS stylingThe widget are small chunk of SecuTix that you can include in any website. Linked to an internet point of sales inside SecuTix, it allows to present products, section or catalog in an adaptive way.

Basic concepts

In any website, you may reserve space to display one of the or more Secutix widgetwidgets. Like advertisement or highlightment or highlighting of some products.

To display a widget onto any website, you need to :

  1. Include the widget library
  2. Create an html container with an id for each every widget 
  3. Get Setup the information related to the widgetwidget through Javascript parameters
  4. Instantiate the widget

Include the widget library

The widget library only contains a loader that will automatically load the widget definition when needed. You only have to include the following script inclusion to get access to all widgets.


This Widget file generate the STX global object that contains the widget library. The library contains only the library loading system.


Please note that currently widgets are coupled to physical hosts of SecuTix. It is important to set the correct url for the source files to have widgets work properly. We are happy to help you setup the correct information. Please contact us via the email

The example URL just above, has to be adapted to correspond to the correct URL, which is defined for every customer. Do not include the above script without adaptations.

Create a HTML container

Anywhere in the website, you can include a HTML tag with an id that will be pass later to the widget definition. To ensure structure to the website, you may define size and position of the container. The widgets will adapt to the container.
