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A set of Some new features have been added to the already rich set of tools available in the new online sales landing page, to . They will cover even more configuration cases and provide an excellent online user experience to your customers online.

A new type of section is now available: the paginated list. This kind of section allows you to display the catalog products in a vertical list layout. Pagination is available and configurable to enable the display of a large amount of products, or product occurrences, without filling up the page vertically.

Moreover, it It is now also possible to display products that are not yet on sale or products that are restricted by a contact/indicator advantage. This is supported by all section types. In addition, new New configuration options also allow to display previously hidden information, like price, description preview, action buttons, sales start date for products not on sale.

Please note that all these configuration options are also available also in standalone Gravity widgets. For more information, please follow this link: A new set of Gravity widgets.

Paginated list section

The new section type "paginated list" can be configured in the landing page section screen (point of sales configuration). As for other sections, it must be either linked to all products available in the online sales profile or to a specific cluster that has been predefined. It is possible to choose different granularities of display in the section: products or occurrences of the product (when applicable, i.e. for events, competitions, visit passes or timeslot time slot passes). An option is also available to define how many items per page will be displayed. 


Display of products not on sale or restricted

A In order to tease your customers with upcoming sales, a new set of options is available in the section configuration screen. These options allow you to display products that are not yet on sale or that are restricted among the set of products configured in the linked cluster(s). Such products will be displayed in the landing page but won't be accessible for any sales operation. When displaying not on sale products, it is also possible to optionally show the date in which the products will become available.
