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Filtering requests can be done by adding supported fields as request parameters, for example to request all tickets in status printed:

GET /tickets?status=printed

The API documentation will specify precisely for which fields filtering is supported. Initially no more advanced search functionalities will be provided (such as “or” operators or more advanced text searches).


Pagination is done following established standards for handling this case. Any endpoint providing pagination supports the offset and limit parameters, specifying at which record to start and the maximum number of records to return (if these are not provided, it defaults to 0 and 20). The total amount of records is always returned in the X-Total-Amount header. 4 links are also returned in the Link header, pointing the client to other useful subset of the collection. For example, the following request for products of type “show”:

GET /products?type=show&offset=20&limit=10

Assuming we have say 254 show products available, the response body then contains 10 products starting at position 20 (the internal list may be ordered by product name for instance):

{success:true, data: {“123”:{code:”product1”, startDate:”2016-12-20T17:30Z”, …}}

Whilst the response headers are set as follows:

Link: <https://... /products?type=show&offset=30&limit=10>; rel="next",

< https://... /products?type=show&offset=250&limit=10>; rel="last",

< https://... /products?type=show&offset=0&limit=10>; rel="first",

< https://... /products?type=show&offset=10&limit=10>; rel="previous"

X-Total-Amount: 254

Cross-origin support

For security reasons, browsers prohibit AJAX calls to resources residing outside the current origin. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a W3C specification implemented by most browsers that allows to overcome these limitations by authorizing access to different domains. CORS is automatically enabled, and allows an unrestricted access from all domains to all resources. The supported HTTP methods are the following: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD. A restriction can be configured in SecuTix, to authorize only specific domains.


The Secutix point of sale on which the purchase is made is specified by the custom header X-Secutix-Host, which takes the form of a POS-specific token that is provided to the client. All requests to the API must contain a valid context header, if not a 400 Bad Request response is returned.
