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Allow structure


contacts to access several sales channels


from one organization

It is now possible to associate the same contact to multiple B2B2C sales channels. Il est désormais possible d'associer un même contact à plusieurs filières B2B2C.


Upload profile pictures from an internet account - Télécharger les photos de profil depuis un compte Internet

Operators can force contacts to upload their picture from the B2C web. L'opérateur peut "forcer" un contact à télécharger une photo depuis le web B2CProfile picture upload is possible online. Depending on the form setup you define, the upload of a picture will be mandatory or not.


Based on the "mandatory" configuration, the contact will be requested to upload a photo on his profile page when registering/modifying his account on the web. Si le mode obligatoire (mandatory) est choisi, le contact devra ajouter sa photo à sa page profil lors de la création ou de la modification de son compte en ligne.


Conditional rate is now supported on


the online sales seat map / Les tarifs conditionnels sont désormais supportés sur le plan de salle dans la vente en ligne

When a reduced rate is configured that contact must buy the other rate to be able to buy this reduced rate, this condition is now implemented on seat map of the online sales.

Conditional rate setup such as "buy 2 full price tickets and get access to a reduced tarifs for the 3rd ticket" is now supported on the online sales process on the seat map seat selection.

Contact can Contact could only add to cart the reduced rate tarif ticket once the items in his cart satisfy this conditionthe cart satisfies the conditions defined.


Secondary email for guest



A new parameter displaying the a confirmation email input field has been added to the ticketshop in order to support “guest "a more secure guest checkout”. This new field is here to prevent the contact from entering a wrong email when checking out as guest.




ticketshop - restrict access of relays based on their community type

When a B2C shop ticketshop is allowed to handle relays, there is a possibility to restrict the relay by their you can now restrict acces to relays based on their parent structure’s community type.


Improve Mass printing on B2C, B2B and B2B2C
