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June 25, 2024

Standardizing mobile logs about Spectator

A new naming convention has been applied to "Spectator" mobile logs action and message.

Previous ActionNEW ActionNEW Message

Image Added

user.authenticatedspectator.authenticatedSpectator authenticated
user.signed-inspectator.loginSpectator successfully logged in
user.signed.outspectator.logoutSpectator successfully logged out
system.force-log-outspectator.logout.forcedSpectator has been automatically logged out from the device (expired session or maximum number of session reached)
user.password.reminderspectator.password.reminderSpectator requested password reset reached the maximum number of active devices
user.max-devices.reachedspectator.devices.maximum.allowed.reachedSpectator reached the maximum number of allowed devices
spectator.screen.recordingspectator.screen.recordingSpectator recorded a video
user.screenshot.takenspectator.screen.screenshotSpectator took a screenshot

May 14, 2024

Transaction Logs screen removal


Mobile logs for beacon activations now contains beacon name in the message:

Log typeNew message format
ticket.activation.bluetoothTicket <organizer_website@ticket_id> activated by bluetooth beacon <beacon_name>
ticket.secondary-activation.bluetoothTicket <organizer_website@ticket_id> checked by bluetooth beacon <beacon_name>