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Upon opening the campaign screen, you should see the new columns with their additional data.  You can now review the number of emails Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Bounced and Unsubscribed for each campaign without needing to load the campaign analysis report for an individual campaign.  The data is presented as a percentage, but hovering over a value will show the raw data numbers.  Comparing data and results between campaigns is simple and easy. 

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Because this data is still facilitated by running the Batch to compute metrics for email campaigns, we've added a button called "Sync Metrics" in screen to run the batch (we also connected the the Batch for computing ROI for the SAMP campaigns to this button to update the data for the already present ROI related columns) and all we need to do is refresh the screen to update the values once the batch is finished.  If you already have these batches running on a regular schedule this doesn´t affect that, it merely triggers a manual run to get updated data.  The new timestamp in the upper right corner of the screen "Last data sync" will show the last time the batches finished running.  
