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Upon opening the campaign screen, you should see the new columns with their additional data.  You can now review the number of emails Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked and Bounced for each campaign without needing to load the campaign analysis report for an individual campaign.  The data is presented as a percentage, but hovering over a value will show the raw data numbers.  Comparing data and results between campaigns is simple and easy. 


Please note be aware that the "Created" column has been moved to a less prominent position at the far right.  

Getting started

No set up is required.  Once the screen is loaded you should see the changes readily.  Here is a glossary to help you understand the data.

SentThe percentage of emails that the system created that were delivered to the mail server.
DeliveredThe percentage of emails that could be delivered to the receiver's inbox.
OpenedThe percentage of emails that were opened by the user. 
ClickedThe percentage of emails where at least one link was clicked. 
BouncedThe percentage of emails that were bounced and didn't arrive in receiver's inbox.