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SecuTix provides a new feature allowing you to gather opt-ins on behalf of event organisers you are working with. After collection of opt-ins, you send the list of contacts having given their consent to the concerned event organiser. This event organiser will be in charge of sending the newsletters and providing an opt-out feature.


SecuTix will group the target products from different cross-sales into a single section, thus providing a more compact and user-friendlier display. The target products are displayed as if they were belonging to the same cross-sales definition.

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In the example above, an internet user has selected three events into a season ticket. An administrator has set up a cross-sale for each of these events, the target product being the brochure (defined as a service). The advanced option "Offer this cross-selling when the base product is included in a season ticket" has been enabled for all these cross-sales. As a result, the three brochures are displayed in the cross-selling section and are displayed in a grouped way (one aggregated cross-selling section instead of three separate sections).

The same display is used in the separate cross-selling page:

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This new grouping feature is available for following cross-selling types:

  • Cross-selling
  • Conditional cross-selling

It also applies for events bought outside season tickets, and to any other simple products currently supported by the cross-selling feature.

A target product will only be displayed once, even if it has been defined as target product of several cross-sales

Getting started

Define an opt-in related to an event-organiser or any kind of partner
