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A full set of data (if available) is displayed: email, first name, last name, gender, passport, ID card, phone, nationality, creation date, Opt-in, pin code(one-time login), and active session. The list is ordered by spectator’s email ascendingly.

On Backoffice, go to Spectator List page:

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Search and filter


  • Actions column in the Spectator table allows the organizer to log out a spectator from all his devices (kills all active sessions) in case the spectator needs to log in to a new device but could not log off others.
  • Active session represents the number of active devices this account is logged in.
    For example, spectators log in to their account on 2 phones, so active session = 2.
  • Delete session button under action column: will log out the user from all devices associated with that account.
  • This function only works if the organizer enables setting key security.session.use-max-active-phone under Settings – Application Settings.

Delete/Anonymize spectator

  • When anonymizing a spectator, TIXNGO Backoffice will check and warn if this spectator still owns a ticket.
  • It allows to "Remove spectator immediately" or "Communicate to spectator".
  • In case of "Communicate to spectator", the spectator will receive an email with a link to confirm account deletion. Once the link is clicked, the spectator will be removed automatically. The link will be valid for 24 hours.

Export data

  • Export spectator data to CSV is available on this page
