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This page shows a full list of all spectators that who have created accounts on the mobile application no matter , whether they have tickets or not.

A full set of data (if available) is displayed: email, first name, last name, gender, passport, ID card, phone, nationalityapp language, creation date, Opt-in, pin code(one-time login), and active sessionno. of active devices/total, last sync time. The list is ordered by spectator’s email ascendingly.

On Backoffice, go to Spectator List page:

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Search and filter


  • When anonymizing a spectator, TIXNGO Backoffice will check and warn if this spectator still owns a ticket.
  • It allows to "Remove spectator immediately" or "Communicate to spectator".
  • In case of "Communicate to spectator", the spectator will receive an email with a link to confirm account deletion. Once the link is clicked, the spectator will be removed automatically. The link will be valid for 24 hours.

Lock/Unlock spectator

  • Once locked, a spectator is prohibited from transferring, assigning, or reselling any of his/her tickets.

    •  How to lock a spectator

In the Actions section of the grid, click the lock icon Image Added

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Please confirm or abandon the locking action by clicking the adequate button.

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Once locked, a new lock icon appears after the email address and the Lock action is replaced by the Unlock action.

  • Once unlocked, a spectator can perform transfer, assignment or resale of his/her tickets according to the current configuration (application & ticket level settings).

    • How to unlock a spectator ?

In the Actions section of the grid, click the lock icon Image Added.

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Please confirm or abandon the unlocking action by clicking the adequate button.

Image Added

Once unlocked, the icon after the email address disappeared and the Unlock action is replaced by the Lock action.

Export data

  • Export spectator data to CSV is available on this page
