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Here comes the end of the month/year/season and you want to do a financial reconciliation. Here are some documentation that may help you to achieve your goal


There are usually 2 Main enquiries categories

  1. Sales to payout. Typical questions : 
    1. How to make sure all my sales were payed out ? 
    2. How to know what sales where paid out in <time period> 
  2. Sales to invoices. Typical questions :  
    1. Why am I paying this amount this month? 
    2. How to find which transactions led to the invoices in < month> ? 
  3. Net revenues in over a month 

Here is how to answer them : 

  1. period of time

Sales to payout 


Head to Finance > Sales to payout > Payouts 

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From here you can download 2 types of reports: 


While the first report will help you with general reporting, you may wonder how those numbers were calculated and what is behind them. For instance you may wonder what are those adjustments you see in your payout report. To drill more on each payout you can extract the detail of what element constitute it. 

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This report will tell you which settled transactions, refunds, adjustments where included in a specific payout. The fees for the payout are the combination of the acquiring fees for each settled & refund transaction included + the transaction fees  ( processing fees) for the mentioned date ( in this example 03-01-2023 )  

IMPORTANT: the transaction fees included are NOT the transaction fees of the settled transactions included in this payout, they are all transaction fees that happened in the mentioned date ( see point 3 for more info) 

2. Condensed deep-diving at larger scale 

To get a visibility at larger scale you can download the report > aggregate settlement details report to get all combined sales, refunds and other movements such as reserve funds, invoice deduction etc... over a certain period


    1. Calculate the sales  :
           Sum the "Captured" amount of the "Settled" type transaction 


    2. Calculate the processing fees 
      Sum the "Processing Fee" amount of the "AuthorisedReceived" and "SentForRefund" type transaction 


    3. Calculate the Acquiring fees
      Sum the "Commission", "Markup" and "Scheme Fees" amount of the "Settled" type transaction 


    4. Calculate the refunds
      sum the "Refunded"  transactions 


Please check the full details section for documentation 

Net revenues 

If what you are trying to do is to know how much revenue will have gained in a period of time net from all costs regardless of when it has been /will be payed out: 

Transactions that were successfully finished are called “settled”

If what you are looking for is simply what transactions were successfully finished during this period of time you can use the Gross settlements amount in insights > settlements&fees

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Now, the above amount IS NOT what Adyen ultimately owes you. What Adyen owes you in the end is sales – fees – refunds - misc adjustments.

so you may want to know what sales, costs, refunds and adjustments occurred during this time period regardless of when or if they have already been paid?

In this case you can find those values like this:

  • Sales :

You should use the Gross settlements amount in insights > settlements&fees ( see image above). This gives you the sales amount that got settled in between those 2 dates.

If your period of time is 1 month, you can also find this amount in your invoice 

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You can always calculate it from the interactive report

  • Fees

For 1 month you can use the fees from the invoice. 

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You can always calculate it from the interactive report ( processing + acquiring ) 

  • Refunds:

You can find the refunds amount during this period in the insight > payment lifecycle > purchase & refunds dashboard 

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Or alternatively from the interactive report 

  • Adjustments :

Other misceleneous items can also after your net revenues for this month. The more common are InvoiceDeductions that are present in your invoice as "Amount due" however other items may enter this category too such as chargebacks, ReverseRefundded etc... The best way to identify those items is to use the Aggregated settlement details report  . Use the documentation and critical thinking to understand those items and identify which ones affect your "owed amount" 

Note that this is the only amount that cannot be found via the interactive report