Page History

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Without the isolation of products on accounting interface exports, it would not be possible to extract such information. The reason for that is a payment line (in the exported file) represents the total amount for orders purchasing multiple product families.

How does the feature help?

This improvement provides the additional lines, if the exported file contains the specific products to enable it.




   20181027;NIHON_TDC_TS;NIHON_TDC_TS;NIHON_TDC_TS;49;USD;10000;CrdtCard;Carte de crédit;;DIRECT_PAYMENT

   20181027;SC_DONATIONS;SC_DONATIONS;SC_DONATIONS;49;USD;10000;CrdtCard;Carte de crédit;;DIRECT_PAYMENT

How to proceed:

  1. The improvement only supports below configuration of the Accounting interface:
    • Interface type "Accounting exports"
    • Enable aggregation (?aggregate=true)
    • Interface version: V3
      Accounting interface parametrizationImage RemovedImage Added

      2. Add a link between product_Code and specific code in URL parameter: "&productLink=DON→SC_DONATIONS"


    • The interface function to run is "Export file treasury"
    • The only affected export file is "Encaissements_AgV3"

      Image AddedImage Removed