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  TODO: Write the intro - and split the second part in a second page or flag as sneak peak as it comes in sprint 3 only. Maybe best to change the title to the page to "Dashboard improvements" and group all in the same page?

Potential revenue and net prices

NEW V2.12
 Having accurate figures of the producer share of the revenue of a show is crucial to producers. The producer dashboard has been enhanced by adding potential sales data and a toggle between gross and net prices.


Two new measures, the potential revenue and the ticket price, have been added Having precise revenue data is essential for producers. We have thus added two measures to the producer dashboard to provide them with a more accurate insight on the final revenue:.

  • Potential revenue defined as the revenue including sales: the potential number of tickets sold and corresponding revenue include the revenue generated by the settlement of all the current reservations.
  • Net revenue defined as the revenue net of feesTicket price: the revenue data displayed will only take into account the ticket component, excluding any fee component. Indeed the producer's revenue usually does not include fees, which will go to the service provider.

Extended catalogue list

Getting started

The potential number of tickets and revenue measures are displayed as additional columns on the right hand side of the revenue.

The ticket price can be toggled from the dashboard panel header. By default, the revenues are display using the full price, i.e., the full price paid by the end customer, which includes all price components. By clicking on the Ticket price toggle, the revenues will computed using only the ticket component, excluding any fees.

Image AddedIn the producer portal, it is important for producer to be able to run reports and view information on events, matches, visit passes or products that are not yet one sales or do not have sales yet. The available list of such items has thus been extended to include those in states validated, running, suspended and cancelled, regardless whether they have sales or not. The catalogue available in the producer portal still takes into account the corresponding activity and product profiles.