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Versions Compared


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Why should organizer use it? 

  • It is important to keep all the fans up-to-date on the latest version of your apps to ensure all new features, bug fixings and performance improvements for them

How it works?

  • Make sure organizers have the latest usable version released and the minimal version they want to support (format: x.y.z , ex: 1.0.1)
  • Define the latest version at Latest version of mobile application 
  • Define the minimal version at Minimal supported version of mobile application
  • To disable the feature, set both value to 0.0.0

How feature is visible on TIXNGO app?

If user's app matches minimal version but not latest version:

Image RemovedImage Added

If user's app is lower than minimal version:

Image RemovedImage Added


Indication as screenshot above

upgrade_title_availabletitle of the pop-up (not required)


content of the pop-up (not required)
upgrade_title_requiredtitle of the pop-up (required)
upgrade_text_requiredContent of pop-up (required)
upgrade_buttonUpgrade button
not_nowNot now button
android_AppStore_UrlURL for android store
iOS_AppStore_UrlURL for apple store