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What you should know:

As the page display information about only one spectator/ticket, the search result must be unique, if one only knows part of the information, searching through the Tickets/Spectator page then selecting the email address might be the better way.

You can also access to this page by clicking on a spectator's email address from any other page in the Console. 

Table of Contents

Search by Spectator

The organizer or support team can look for information about one specific spectator via this page.Image Removed

Go to Support Page > Select option dropdown search by Spectator

What’s included:

  • Spectator's detaildetails: including email, first and last name, gender, birth date, nationality, passport number, Id card number, phone number, app language, and country of residence, and pin code(one-time login).
  • The spectator's Tickets list:
    • All tickets: currently owned by the spectator (appear inside OwnerNow in Spectator's wallet )Tickets now in Spectators wallet (Incl. deleted): all tickets + tickets used to in owner’s wallet.
    • Pending transfers: Tickets are transferred to the unregistered spectators OR owned by this spectator, but he/she has not registered yet.
    • All tickets: currently owned by the spectator (appear inside the Owner's wallet)
    • Each ticket contains the event name, ticket ID, taxation number, barcode, status, event start time, activation time (if there is one), purchaser’s email address, and injected date.

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  • The spectator's Mobile logs
  • The spectator's Communication log: with the ability to resend specific communications. The content of the communication can be read with a click on the reason title.


The organizer or support team look for in depth information about one specific ticketImage Removed

Go to Support Page > Select option dropdown search by Spectator


  • The ticket details: including identifed information of ticket as well as main details, extra details, hidden details that associated with that ticket.
  • Mobile wallet owner: the Spectator currently owning the ticket the ticket and which application it belongs to.
  • Original spectator: the Spectator that was the first ever "Current Owner" of the ticket, the one the ticket was injected to by the Organizer. This will never change through the life of the ticket.
  • Ticket Holder: the person assigned to a ticket that is held by the "Current Owner". The name of the Ticket Holder will appear on the ticket.
  • Ticket status history: including all ticket status log has been changed throughout ticket life cycle with backend and mobile timestamps.
  • Ticket transfer, resale rules: the information about which transfer /resale group ID that ticket belongs to as well as specific rules for each of them.
    By clicking on pencil symbol, organizer can change Transfer Group ID to another existing one (of that event) or change the value for each rule. For more details on Transfer Rule, please refer to this page.
  • The number "Total in File" = Total number of ticket with the same File ID (which is the ID of a SecuTix injection file)
  • The number "Total Transferred in File" = the total number of ticket transferred with the same File Id

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  • In the spectator section, a warning message will be displayed if the spectator is locked (prohibited from transferring, assigning, or reselling any of his/her tickets)

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