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Every sport needs a stage. Every stage needs a venue management tool. SecuTix's seat map editor and seat map tool are designed purely for this purpose. In Gabelhorn V1, we are introducing a new way of mass selecting seats on the seat map tool- Sparsity Selection. It aims at providing an easy tool for you to achieve full-stadium effect for your lesser-known matches.  

Unlike high-demand matches, for a low-demand match, the seating usually happens at the time of online sales (instead of post seating). Hence in order to make sure our automatic seating algorithm can evenly distribute the seat assignments so that the stadium looks fuller than it is on TV, we hereby offer the "sparsity selection" feature which enables the BO operator to freeze certain rows of seats in an alternate manner when configuring the venue for low-demand matches.

How does it work?

Step 1 - Start seat selection with "ALT" key pressed

Sparsity selection can be easily activated with the "ALT" key while performing seat selection and it supports three modes:

  • Block sparsity selection (CTRL+ALT)
  • Free-shape lasso sparsity selection (ALT + Left-click)
  • Sparsity select all (CTRL + ALT + A)

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Step 2 - Set parameters for sparsity selection

The "Sparsity Selection" popup allows you to configure the following three parameters:

  • Number of selected rows (pre-filled with default value 1)
  • Number of unselected rows (pre-filled with default value 1)
  • "Start with" options:
    • "Selection" means the row with the smallest row number (i.e. closer to the center of the stadium) within the selection area will be selected.
    • "Unselection" means the row with the smallest row number within the selection area will be unselected.

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Example of Sparsity Selection with "Number of selected rows: 1; Number of unselected rows: 1; Start with: Selection"

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Example of Sparsity Selection with "Number of selected rows: 1; Number of unselected rows: 2; Start with: Unselection"

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Step 3 - Continue your action with the selected seats (e.g., freeze, change contingents, etc.)

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