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Have you ever wondered about the shopping cart behavior of your online users? Like how many of them have added one or more products to cart; how many of them then abandoned some products from cart? Have you ever wished to retarget those users who have abandoned their carts via email campaign but don’t know how? Worry no more! Our Enhanced E-commerce feature has been further extended and is here to answer these questions now.


Please note that our Enhanced E-commerce Tracking is only supported if you are using Universal Analytics tracking and Google Tag Manager.

Table of Contents

What's New?

Following the delivery of basic support for Enhanced E-commerce in Whymper V2, we have continued our journey to enrich the e-commerce tracking data for our online sales platform in Whymper V3. This time, we focus on understanding users' shopping cart behavior and realizing email re-targeting for cart abandoners. A few more Google Analytics reports are now filled with the correct data and the DataLayer object is also further extended.

New Google Analytics Reports

Shopping Behavior Analysis

The Shopping Behavior Analysis report allows you to see how many abandoned the funnel at each stage. Where the funnel indicates abandonment (a red arrow at the bottom of a step), those users did not complete any additional steps of the funnel during the same session. Users can reenter the funnel at any stage (indicated by the separate blue bar at the top of a step); for example, if a user added something to the cart during one session, and then came back to complete the purchase in a subsequent session, the funnel visualization would count the user as reentering at the Checkout step.

Image Added

Shopping Behavior Analysis Example

Shopping Behavior Analysis

The Shopping Behavior Analysis rep

Image Added

Shopping Behavior Analysis for Each Product

New DataLayer

For a full definition of the new DataLayer structure, please refer to the example below.

Code Block
titleAdd to Cart DataLayer Example
// Measure adding a product to a shopping cart 
// and a list of product.
  'event': 'addToCart',
  'ecommerce': {
    'currencyCode': 'EUR',         // Currency code used for the PoS
    'add': {                       // 'add' actionFieldObject measures.
      'products': [{                       //  List of product items added to the shopping cart.
        'name': 'Museum Pass',                  // Product Name
        'id': '1234-567-987',                   // Unique SKU of the product item, i.e. product id - item id (if product is non-dated product)  - performance id (if product is of event or parking or visit type) - seat category id - tarrif type id - timeslot id (if product is timeslot) - advantage id (if any) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
        'price': '15.25',                       // Unit Price          
        'brand': 'Visit Pass / Exhibition',     // Product Family Type / Topic of the product (if set) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
        'category': 'Cat A / Normal',           // Seat category / tarrif type
        'variant': 'Cross-sell 1-click / 1234', // Cross selling type / parent product id (if added to cart via cross-selling)
        'quantity': 1                           // Quantity added to cart for this product item
        'url': ''     // URL pointing to the corresponding product item selection page which can be used by 3rd-party email retargeting tools
        'imgUrl': ''             // Image URL of the corresponding product item which can be used by 3rd-party email retargeting tools

Code Block
titleRemove from Cart DataLayer Example
// Measure the removal of a product from a shopping cart.
  'event': 'removeFromCart',
  'ecommerce': {
    'remove': {                               // 'remove' actionFieldObject measures.
      'products': [{                          //  removing a product to a shopping cart.
        'name': 'Museum Pass',                  // Product Name
        'id': '1234-567-987',                   // Unique SKU of the product item, i.e. product id - item id (if product is non-dated product)  - performance id (if product is of event or parking or visit type) - seat category id - tarrif type id - timeslot id (if product is timeslot) - advantage id (if any) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
        'price': '15.25',                       // Unit Price          
        'brand': 'Visit Pass / Exhibition',     // Product Family Type / Topic of the product (if set) (same as enhanced e-commerce dataLayer)
        'category': 'Cat A / Normal',           // Seat category / tarrif type
        'variant': 'Cross-sell 1-click / 1234', // Cross selling type / parent product id (if added to cart via cross-selling)
        'quantity': 1                           // Quantity added to cart for this product item

How to Activate Enhanced E-commerce Tracking?

Activating and migrating to Enhanced E-commerce Tracking can be a rather delicate process especially when you already have traditional e-commerce tracking in-use. In order to best help you migrate, our service team offer you a service to provide an end-to-end activation solution.

Please click here to find more information about how to activate a service.

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