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If you use activities created before the delivery of this new feature, you will continue to work with the old approach. In other words, your data aren't migrated automatically to the new approach, but you can continue working with them without any problem. If you create a new activity, either by creating it explicitly or by duplicating an activity or a season), the new approach will automatically be enabled and you will benefit from the feature described above.


titleUsing SecuTix' catalog interface to populate your web site

Some of our customers may import the product inventory automatically on their web site by using our catalogue interface. If you are in this case, we advise you to switch to the new version of the catalogue interface (V1_32) that will take into account the new way of defining sales periods. Otherwise, if your institutional web site uses the sales periods information provided by our catalogue interface, it may display products (events or other products) that aren't on sale at that particular point of time. Note that the internet user won't be able to buy these products, since our Ticket Shop takes the sales periods into account.

If you need to keep temporarily the old interface version and your institutional web site meets the conditions above (it uses the sales periods information returned by our catalogue interface), then you should request a service when you create or duplicate a new season or a new activity in order to disable the new feature.
