Page History

Versions Compared


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Bishorn V1 (Firefox ESR 78.x, OpenJDK 8u232)[ Bishorn_V1_installer.exe]

  • Updated 2021/01/19
    • Firefox ESR 78.6.1
    • Fixed the add-on icon, added a feature to open the specified homepage, in case the Windows GPO are specifying another homepage
  • Updated 2020/12/07: 
    • Firefox ESR 78.5
    • In order to bypass the homepage set by the GPOs, the homepage url is now automatically injected in the command line of firefox
    • It is now possible to add a separate file [customer_config.jsm] in the folder FireFoxPortableESR\App\Firefox to tune some parameters
    • Some anti-viruses were blocking the executable SilentCmd.exe, even through it was built by SecuTix. It has been replaced by a home made program, which is specific to SecuTix.
  • Updated 2020/12/07 to set update channel to "none". Following security changes in firefox, administrator settings can override update policies and force firefox updates through GPO and registry (
    Changing the update channel prevents detection of firefox updates
  • Because of changes in Oracle JRE licence, the kit now comes with OpenJDK, Corretto (AWS) version
    In consequence, the kit now contains 
    • a new secured way to download the device drivers agent
    • a new way to manage network proxies in the device drivers agent

GabelHorn V1 (Firefox ESR 60.x,  Oracle jre-8u201) [Gabelhorn_V1_installer.exe]

  • Updated the 2019/09/27 to fix the language used by Firefox, which was not the one chosen during the installation  in shared mode
  • Updated the 2019/07/20 to add Multi-Account Containers extension and make workstation identification .exe use .net 4.0
  • Updated the 2019/07/04 to fix the language used by Firefox, which was not the one chosen during the installation
  • Updated the 2019/07/02 to fix the proxy used to download the device drivers, and fix some files not removed during uninstall/reinstall
  • Updated the 2019/06/24 to include fix for FireFox CVE-2019-11707: Type confusion in Array.pop (Firefox 60.7.2esr)
  • Updated java Oracle 8u201

Whymper V3 (Firefox ESR 60.x,  Oracle jre-8u192) [Whymper_V3_installer.exe]

  • Updated the 2019/09/27 to fix the language used by Firefox, which was not the one chosen during the installation in shared mode
  • Updated the 2019/07/20 to add Multi-Account Containers extension and make workstation identification .exe use .net 4.0
  • Updated the 2019/07/04 to fix the language used by Firefox, which was not the one chosen during the installation
  • Updated the 2019/07/02 to fix the proxy used to download the device drivers, and fix some files not removed during uninstall/reinstall
  • Updated the 2019/06/24 to include fix for CVE-2019-11707: Type confusion in Array.pop (Firefox 60.7.2esr)
  • Now the device drivers uses the proxy configured in firefox to configure the device driver's proxy 
  • Administrator rights are not asked anymore when installing in a user writeable folder
  • Portable Zip version is available: (urls like
  • It is now possible to specify the homepage (Silent installer: /HomePage=... )
  • New workstation identifier add-on for Firefox Quantum
  • Updated to java Oracle 8u192
