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 In case you customer have purchased several products within the same order, you will be now able to refund all the products belonging to the same order at once. 


RECOMMENDED - Description in more details about what the feature is. Keep it more operator-oriented, not overly "marketing".


Use info box if you want to highlight a particular point.

Getting started

MANDATORY - What is the setup required to use the feature (even if none, please mention)? Where can I see the feature? (this is intended to be a short guide). At least one screenshot should be provided, at latest for the finalized release note at sprint end.

refund product from the same order in the refund batch
As an operator, I can request to refund all the products included in the order selected to be refunded by the batch based main product refund criteria or not in order to improve efficiency of the system.

Rainbow breakdown:

2 S BScr: add a check box to support or not the refund of all product in the order
1 C Func: checkbox in the batch to include or not all products from the same order
1 S Func: to manage this case and refund the full order.

Business context:

Normally, the customer usually purchases event/ performance ticket and service or goods together (the product is a part of package or not).

Currently, if the operator wants to refund whole order, they have to run refund batch at least 2 times:

  • 1st time to refund event/performance
  • The next times to refund another simple product

The process is time consuming, ONP would like to have an intelligent way to help them can add more products to be refunded by the batch based on main product refund criteria.

On Refund batch - Function "Cancel single entries for performance/match" & "Cancel single entries for a product"
1. Additional product families filter: in the Refund Filter Configuration, add a new filter "Additional product families":

  • Additional product families filter is displayed as drag&drop selection
  • The selection data is list of product families in below:
    • Event
    • Competition
    • Timeslot passes
    • Visit pass
    • Open pass
    • Services
    • Voucher
    • Membership
  • By default, there are no selected product

2. Product codes excluded: in the Refund Filter Configuration, add new textbox for the operator can enter the code of the products which they want to exclude from Additional list in above

  • By default, the textbox is disabled
  • The textbox is enabled if there is any product family is selected on Additional product families filter
  • The product code should be comma separated (e.g. Product code 1, Product code 2,…,Product code N)
  • If the textbox is not null, system will be check:
    • The product codes is existed or not. If the product code is not existed, system will display error message "Product code 1, Product code 2,…,Product code N is (are) not existed"
    • The product code is not the same with the main product, if it’s a product code of main product, system will display error message "The excluded the product must not be the same with main product"

3. Rule

  • In Additional product families filter:
    • System will refund whole product belong to the selected product family together with main product if it's come from the same order.
    • The product belong to selected product family must be eligible to refund otherwise it will not be refunded.
    • If the main product cannot be refunded, the product belong to selected product family will not be refunded also.
    • System will perform refund process with product belong to the selected product family if the main product have been refunded successfully.
  • Excluded product codes textbox:
    • The product in textbox will not be refunded together

Nice to have: 
Run batch in simulation mode: in the Refund Filter Configuration, add new checkbox "Run batch in simulation mode"
When the checkbox is checked, system will display the logs (list order will be cancelled with payment contact) but do not cancel anything.
If the checkbox is unchecked, system will run as usual.

Accetance criteria:

  • System will refund the products belong to selected product family together with main product if it's eligible and come from the same order with main product.
  • The excluded products will not be refunded
  • Make sure another case works correctly
  • The behavior of manual refund is not change

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