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Although it may looks ticky at first sight, the mapping language used in SecuTix App is actually a very simple and quite flexible tool that allow us to cherry-pick the values of SecuTix objects (Individuals, Structures, Addresses...), modify them to some extent (concatenation, negation), and plug the result to a given Salesforce field (standard or custom).

How to create new mappings:
The App comes with a full built-in set of mappings for all the standard fields. For any other custom field that we may want to add and synchronized from SecuTix, we will have to create a new 'Mapping Field' in the correspondant 'Mapping Object' of type 'Secutix to Salesforce'. Every Mapping Object have a Secutix Object Name, which is the entry point from where the mapping language will start looking the selected field.
Mapping Object are composed of Mapping Fields. Every Mapping Field has two important values: Secutix Attribute Name and Salesforce Attribute Name. The latter is just the name of the field in Salesforce as it is displayed to the user. There is no confussion possible filling this vlaue as we will be promted witha list with all the valid possibilities, so we only have to choose one of them.
Secutix Attribute Name is where the mapping language comes into play. In order to understand how this value is built, first we have to be familiarized with SecuTix the contact data model used in the Open Platform and its web services (found here: ). The Secutix Attribute Name have one or more parts separated by '/'. For every part, a field will be searched with that name in the current object, starting from the entry point for the current Mapping Object. For example, if we are creating a Mapping Field to save the first name of an individual, we will do it in Contact Mapping Object, and the Secutix Attribute Name will be: 'IndividualContact/individualFirstName'. Why?
This is because the root object in this case is Contact. Looking at the data model, we can see how Contacts in SecuTix may contain information of an IndividualContact or a StructureContact, but we want the individual name, so the first part of the mapping. The second part indicate which precise field we want from IndividualContact. Should we have wanted the structure name, the mapping would have been 'StructureContact/structureOfficialName'.
This are the basics for the mapping language, but there are more advance options described below.
Other possibilities of the mapping language (TO-DO):
