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  • File encoding
    • The schedule created automatically will mention the default encoding type UTF-8. If you want to use another encoding type (for example Cp1252 for ANSI files to be processed in Excel), you should create a schedule manually with following characteristics:
      • Empty internal name
      • Manual launch
      • Desired encoding
    • SecuTix will find your schedule, set the batch number and launch it.
    • The above set-up needs to be done only once. SecuTix will reuse this schedule for later exports.
  • Using several export functions at the same time
    • SecuTix provides a second export function called "Export PDF tickets and letter file". The feature above concerns only the export in CSV. format, not the export in PDF format.
    • If this second function has been enabled, the export in CSV format won't be launched automatically, although a schedule has been created and updated with the right batch number. Since SecuTix isn't totally sure which of both export functions has to be launched, it lets the operator you launch the prepared schedule manually. You can launch the schedule as is, without any change.

titleDocument types with digital signature

SecuTix will print the digital signature in text form on following order documents:

  • Order receipt
  • Order summary
  • Invoice
