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As an operator, I can upload logos and assign them to Tours, events and performances


Business context :

A tour can be in several location (that's a standard use case for the Tour product family) Berlin, Munich etc... (each it's a different event).

2 differents companies are working on the organization of the tour, a global promoter managing the tour for germany and a local promoter managing the event in the city. (one local promoter per city).

Each of those companies have the right to display some logos on the tickets. several logos per promoters.

Ticket will have most probably differents logos per city, as the local promoter could display what they want (depending on the adverting they are selling etc...)


Setup will be done in 3 level:

1/ Upload a list of logos, MyTicket does that.

2/ tour promoter say I use logo 1,2 and 3

3/ local promoter will be saying I will be using logo A, B, C


Rainbow file breakdown

Solution principle

  • An organization manages a list of logos
  • An ordered list of logos may be assigned to a Tour.
  • This list may be completed (but not overriden) at event level. Example: logos 1, 2 and 3 are defined at tour level and logos 4 and 5 are defined at event level.
  • Logos defined at event level may be overriden at performance level.
  • 1 MCDM: adapt data model
  • 1 EBS: List of logos with 'remove' button
  • 1 EBS: Upload a logo
  • Assign an ordered list of logos to a tour (1 EBS), to a product (1 EBS) or to a performance (1 EBS)
  • 1 FS: Check if a logo may be assigned at product or performance level



Please the subtask attached. there is the following features to dev here :

  1. Upload ticket logos in SecuTix Backend
  2. In ticket template editor set new ticket logos vars.
  3. Select ticket logos at Tour level
  4. Select ticket logos at Event & Performance level

Product families to use Ticket logo setup screen:

  • Single entry (Event, Competition, Visit): product level + Performance level
  • Visit pass
  • Timeslot pass
  • Non-dated pass