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Enhanced E-commerce Tracking is finally here! Offering deeper insights and more accurate tracking data of online shopping engagement, Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce is a complete revamp of its traditional e-commerce tracking in the sense that, it provides many more ways for you to collect and analyze users' e-commerce data throughout their entire online shopping journey. Therefore SecuTix Web Team are thrilled to announce our first milestone of Enhanced E-commerce Tracking support, which is also the most important one, support for more fine-grained transaction data tracking once users make a purchase through your online ticket shop.

What's New?

New DataLayer Structure

Code Block
titleNew DataLayer Example
 'ecommerce': {
    'purchase': {
      'actionField': {
        'id': '12345',                      // File ID 
        'affiliation': 'MOSA_TSHOP',        // OrganizationCode_PoSCode
        'revenue': '35.43',                 // Total order amount (incl. tax and shipping) (same as the basic e-commerce tag)
        'tax':'4.90',                       // Tax (VAT) 
        'shipping': '5.99',                 // Shipping fee (same as the basic e-commerce tag)
        'coupon': 'SUMMER_SALE'             // Access code of the promotional code if the user uses one in the Order Summary Page
      'products': [{                        // List of purchased products inside the order.
        'name': 'School Workshop',                    // Product name
        'id': '12345',                                // Product SKU
        'price': '15.25',                             // Unit price
        'brand': 'Visit Pass / Exhibition',           // Product family type / Topic of the product (if set)
        'category': 'Cat A / Normal',                 // Seat category / Tarrif type
        'variant': 'Cross-sell 1-click / 1234567',    // Cross selling type / Parent product id (if purchased via cross-selling)
        'quantity': 1,                                // Purchased quantity
        'coupon': 'PartnerMOSA'                       // Advantage name / Advantage id (if purchased product is an advantage product)
        'name': 'Donut Friday Scented T-Shirt',
        'id': '67890',
        'price': '33.75',
        'brand': 'Exhibition',
        'category': 'Cat A / Normal',
        'variant': 'Cross-sell 1-click / 1234567',
        'quantity': 1

New Google Analytics Reports

Traditional E-commerce Enhanced E-commerce

How to Activate Enhanced E-commerce Tracking?

Service is needed

existing e-commerce tag must be disabled to avoid duplication

What's Coming Next?