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After having clicked on Add, the event (with all its performances) is added to the list of products that can be acquired with the concerned voucher. If you want to limit the redemption possibility to a subset of performances, you have to double click on the line. The following screen is displayed:

.Image Added

The list of performances will also be filtered according to the VAT code (if the performance has a VAT code different from the event it belongs to).

The experience voucher will be bought for a given seat category and tariff. Seat categories are defined at item level, as illustrated below:

Image Added

The number of vouchers available for each seat category is defined in the quota screen (similar to other product families)

The prices must be defined for each seat category (matching an item) and tariff:

Image Added

The amounts of the experience voucher and the event that may be acquired with the voucher don't need to match (see the section about the redemption process for more detail). However, the tariff and seat category have to match.

When creating a new season ticket, the operator will have to choose its type:
