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In the past two releases, we started to balance each release scope between innovation, reliability, usability, and performance, with the goal of simplifying the management of your events and enhancing spectator experience. In ZUMV2, we remain committed to this trajectory, aiming to enhance and streamline our product further.

Core features standardization/simplification for better performances & reliability
  • Following our new architectural pattern introduced with Digital Privileges (definition VS instance), we will separate event creation from ticket injection.
  • Modernizing our APIs by introducing a new API versioning and showcasing TIXNGO version 4 for Tickets (ie a more performant & "ticketing" business-oriented TIXNGO).
  • Step further into the mobile wallet modernization by applying our new UX to deleted tickets screen and reorganizing the "More" menu.
  • Reduce the number of builds required by closing Crowdin synchronization initiative.
Data & Analytics
  • Continue our efforts to simplify access to your data using the new "Downloads center" for Spectators.
  • Introduce the concept of Spectator's origin for future reporting & analytics need.
  • Increase the traceability within our back-office by introducing a GDPR-friendly account management for TIXNGO staff.
