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To limit back-office activities to assess the impact of spectator account deletion, we introduced in the existing "Remove spectator account" popup a check in order to verify if the spectator has tickets for upcoming events.

New popupDescription

Image Modified

These improvements provides back-office ADMIN with clearer, more concise information, offering greater transparency and control over account deletion.

Overview of spectator ticket ownership

  • If spectator has no tickets for future events: <number of tickets> ticket(s) owned by the spectator
  • If spectator has tickets for future events: <number of tickets> tickets owned by the spectator including tickets for upcoming events

Overview of spectator ticket ownership by event

Instead of the previous list of individual tickets (which was cumbersome if a loyal spectator has a more than 10 tickets), we simplified the screen in order to have a summary of spectator's tickets, including event’s tickets counts, where events are sorted by date descending.

  • <Event name> | <Event start date>: number of <number of tickets> tickets

Minor Changes in Anonymization Rules
