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Mobile Tickets per Status for each Category

  • This report gives an overview of the number of tickets grouped by their status and price category
  • Filter dropdown contains a list of events

Group Event's ticket status

  • This report provides an overview the number of tickets per each status of some specific group events
  • Dropdown option: events inside the dropdown are sorted by event date-time
  • You can select up to 8 group events
  • If Contingent feature is set to true for your organization ( the setting key enable.contingent.feature in Organizer Settings)
    an additional filter for contingent is available which you can select the contingent of those event to generate a report.


  • Total: All tickets that have been injected into TIXNGO (including deleted tickets)
  • Injected: All ticket with current status INJECTED
  • Downloaded: All tickets with current status DOWNLOADED
  • Download rate: [(all downloaded excluding deleted ones)/(all injected excluding deleted ones)] * 100%
  • Transferred: All tickets with current status TRANSFERRED
  • Transfer pending: All tickets with current status TRANSFER PENDING
  • Assigned: All tickets with current status ASSIGNED
  • Activated: All tickets that have been activated no matter its current status
  • Controlled: All tickets that have been controlled no matter its current status

Tickets injection monthly report

  • Organizers can now easily validate their monthly invoices from SECUTIX by referencing the detailed ticket injection report, consolidating the exact number of tickets injected into TIXNGO in the previous month.
  • Injection data will be compiled on a monthly basis, scheduled for the first day of the month, consolidating the count of tickets injected during the previous month (ExecutionMonth minus 1).
  • The data is presented in a clear format with several columns, including  'Period', 'Event Name', 'Event Start Time', and the total number of injected tickets 'Injected'.

Step by Step


1- Open the "Tickets injection monthly report"

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2- Select the reporting period (Year & Month) and press OK

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3- Click Generate

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Event ticket ownership report

Organizers can now easily extract tickets ownership for a specific event. This report is generated based on a single selected event and aims to provide a detailed list of tickets along with comprehensive wallet owner information, including opt-in statuses.

Some business logic has been applied to the report :

  • Each valid ticket will correspond to one row in the report, excluding tickets with the status of 'DELETED' or 'DELETION_PENDING'.
  • For tickets that are only INJECTED:
    • If an owner account exists, full owner details are included.
    • If an owner account does not exist, the report will include the email, first name, and last name from the ticket's initial owner fields.

Step by Step


1- Open the "Event ticket ownership report"

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2- Search and Select an Event

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3- Click Generate

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