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There are usually 2 Main enquiries categories : 

  1. Sales to payout. Typical questions : 
    1. How to make sure all my sales were payed out ? 
    2. How to know what sales where paid out in <time period> 
  2. Sales to invoices. Typical questions :  
    1. Why am I paying this amount this month? 
    2. How to find which transactions led to the invoices in < month> ? 
  3. Net revenues in a month 

Here is how to answer them : 

Sales to payout 

High level concept

Payout = sales - refunds - fees - adjustments 


for other items or more precision see:

3. Full details at large scale 

To get a visibility of all transactions that are used to calculate the sales, fees and refunds at larger scale you can download the report> Interactive payment accounting report to get all transactions over a certain period ( select all events )

From this report you may 



This is only valid If you only sell in the currencies you settle in ( in all lines, Payment currencies = settlement currency ). 
If this is not the case, there is currently no other way but to download every settlement report 1 by 1 in "reports > Settlement details" as only there the exchange rate is present ( Adyen was requested to add it in the interactive report) 

Sales to invoices 

If what you are trying to do is to understand what transactions constitute your invoice your best tool is the report > interactive payment accounting report with the dates of the month of the invoice. 

Please check the full details section for documentation